Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Juvenile Justice System. The Federal Juvenile Delinquency
JUVENILE JUSTICE SYSTEM The Federal Juvenile Delinquency Act defines juvenile delinquency as, â€Å"any act that is otherwise a crime, but is committed by someone under 18 years of age (â€Å"Juvenile Justice, 2007†)†. This act sets forth rules in which state laws must comply with in regard to juvenile court procedures and punishments. A majority of states have a criminal culpability set at 18 years of age, however culpability age can differ depending on the state. Certain states base whether a juvenile’s case should be held in juvenile court or adult court simply on the crime committed. Constitutionalist used to argue that juvenile court was unconstitutional because the principles of a fair trial and individual’s rights were denied. Their primary†¦show more content†¦The United States Supreme Court has made decisions on five of the most important cases concerning juveniles. The cases include Kent v. United States (1966), In re Gault (1967), In re Winship (1970), Mckeive r v. Pennsylvania (1971), and breed v. Jones (1975). In the case of Kent v. United States the Supreme Court found that courts must provide the essentials of due process in transferring juveniles to adult systems. In the case of In re Gault the Supreme Court found that in hearings that could result in commitment to institutions juveniles have basic constitutional rights, which would include the right to receive notice of charges, the right to be represented by counsel, the right to confront and cross-examine witnesses, the right to avoid self-incrimination, the right to receive a transcript of the proceedings, and the right to request appellate review. In the case of In re Winship the Supreme Court found that in the case of delinquency the state must prove its case beyond a reasonable doubt. In the case of Mckeiver v. Pennsylvania the Supreme Court found that jury trials are not constitutionally required in juvenile court hearings. In 1968 Congress passed the Juvenile Delinquency Pre vention Act and it was later revised in 1972. The purpose of the Act was to help assist state and local communities in providing community based prevention programs and/or services. The Prevention Act also focused on helping to trainShow MoreRelatedJuvenile Justice And Delinquency Prevention Reauthorization Act1577 Words  | 7 Pagesto research the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Reauthorization Act. The paper will focus on the purpose of this legislation, as well as the values that are expressed by this policy. This paper will not only address why this piece of legislation is important it will discuss the effects this act has had on the communities as well as the youths themselves. This paper, will also address the potential for change about the public attitudes towards the juvenile justice system and the socialRead MoreModern Day Juvenile Justice System882 Words  | 4 PagesThe modern day Juvenile Justice System (JJS) in the U.S. evolved out of fragmented refo rm movements throughout the country that began in 1800 and continued into the 1900’s, Progressive Era. Out of the many movements that were occurring in various states, two pioneered approaches took place that could easily be considered the roots of the entire JJS. In 1824 in the state of New York, the New York House of Refuge became the nation’s first reformatory for children. For the first time, there was anRead MoreJuvenile Delinquency And The Juvenile Justice System1299 Words  | 6 Pageshis life to troubled juveniles once said, â€Å"I believe that the kids who are labeled â€Å"good†are children who know how to solve their problems and manage their behavior and social life, and the kids who are labeled â€Å"bad†are kids who don’t know how to solve those problems.†Every day, kids are committing illegal acts of varying severity. Some are involved in petty robberies, others involved in murders and rape. These juveniles become th e responsibility of the juvenile justice system which is tasked withRead MoreThe Juvenile Justice System And Juvenile Offenders941 Words  | 4 Pagesways in which the juvenile justice system responds to female offenders. Historically juvenile female offenders have been treated under status offense jurisdiction (Zahn et al., 2010, p. 10). United States Courts would exercise the principle of â€Å"parens patriae†to place the female in detention as a form of punishment for misbehavior (Sherman, 2012, pp. 1589-1590). This principle also remains prevalent as it pertains to how the juvenile justice system currently responds to juvenile female offendersRead MoreThe Juvenile Justice System Design A Program That Will Fit Into The Kids Lifestyle957 Words  | 4 Pagespolicy, the state act through a Juvenile Court Judge when a child is delinquent, abandoned or need parental care. Also â€Å"Parens patriae†occur if the natural parents are incompetent to control their chil dren. In this case the juvenile justice system design a program that will fit into the kids lifestyle as should have been done by his or her natural parents. 2. What is the difference between delinquency and a status offense and give one example of each. Delinquency is a criminal behavior, which isRead MoreShould Juveniles Be Tried as Adults896 Words  | 4 PagesQuestion: Should juvenile offenders be tried and punished as adults? Claim: Juvenile offenders shouldn’t be tried and punished as adults. I. Introduction a. There has been a lot of controversy over the issue of if juveniles should be tired and punished as adults. II. Harsh Policies Do not work http://physiciansforhumanrights.org/juvenile-justice/factsheets/youthasadults.pdf III. Adult Convictions Jeopardize Children’s Rights and Futures IV. Risks to Children’s Health V. These PoliciesRead MoreJuvenile Crime And Juvenile Delinquency1322 Words  | 6 PagesVersion). Juvenile crime, in law, term denoting various offense committed by children or youth under the age of 18. U.S. official crime reported that in the mid-1900’s â€Å"about one-fifth of all persons arrested for crimes were under the age of 18†(Funk Wagnalls, 2014). Such acts are sometimes referred to as juvenile delinquency (Funk Wagnalls, 2014. Offering constructive programs reduces juvenile delinquency and reduces recidivism. â€Å"From the beginning, the principal consideration of the juvenile courtsRead MoreSocial And Environmental Issues Of Juvenile Delinquency980 Words  | 4 Pagesand/or problem in the criminal justice system. There are many problems that contribute to the social and environmental issues of juvenile delinquency. Several factors are youths brought up in poverty stricken and gang infested neighborhoods, exposure to drugs, violence, physical, mental, and emotional abuse, no parental guidance and neglect. A large number of these children commit violent crimes and more than 700,000 are a part of gangs. 40 percent of the juveniles who are incarcerated in AmericaRead MoreGender Roles : The Juvenile Justice System1244 Words  | 5 PagesGender Roles in the Juvenile Justice System What role does gender play at the various stages of the juvenile justice system? Gender plays an enormous role in the juvenile justice system; both boys and girls have their fair share of run-ins with the Juvenile Justice System, but now more so than ever, females crime rates have increased. In some instances within the juvenile justice system, it may appear that boys and girls are comparable; however there are differences, even though they are subtle.Read MoreJuvenile Delinquency : The United States1458 Words  | 6 Pages Juvenile Delinquency in the United States We live in a world where there is a great deal of investment allotted to our children and our culture tend to be overprotective of our youth. Rightfully so, our younger citizens are considered the building blocks of our nation and the carriers of our legacy in the future. But in spite of stringent laws that seem to protect our youth, other factors such as race, poverty, and environment are catalysts for delinquent youth behavior. Juvenile crime is
Monday, December 16, 2019
Ready Set Red Light Free Essays
Red light runners cause hundreds of deaths and tens of thousands of injuries each year. In 2009, 676 people were killed and an estimated 130,000 were injured in crashes that involved red light running. About half of the deaths in red light running crashes are pedestrians, bicyclists, and occupants in other vehicles who are hit by the red light runners. We will write a custom essay sample on Ready Set Red Light or any similar topic only for you Order Now An Institute study of urban crashes found that those involving drivers who ran red lights, stop signs and other traffic controls were the most common type of crash (22 percent). Injuries occurred in 39 percent of the crashes in which motorists ran traffic controls. Enforcement is the key to getting people to comply with a law, but communities don’t have the resources to allow police to patrol intersections as often as would be needed to ticket all motorists who run red lights. Studies have shown that the presence of cameras reduces red light running. If a vehicle enters an intersection any time after the signal light has turned red, the driver has committed a violation. Motorists inadvertently in an intersection when the signal changes are not red light runners. In locations where a right turn on red is permitted, drivers who fail to come to a complete stop before turning may be considered red light runners. However, communities differ as to whether they issue tickets for it when it is caught on camera. A study conducted during several months at 5 busy intersections in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, prior to the use of red light cameras found that, on average, a motorist ran a red light every 20 minutes at each intersection. During peak travel times, red light running was more frequent. Analysis of red light violation data from 19 intersections without red light cameras in 4 states found that 1,775 violations occurred over 554 hours, for a violation rate of 3. 2 per hour per intersection. In a 2010 telephone survey by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, 93 percent of drivers said it’s unacceptable to go through a red light if it’s possible to stop safely, but one-third reported doing so in the past 30 days. How to cite Ready Set Red Light, Papers
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Marketing and Entrepreneurship for Clean Environment-myassignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about theMarketing and Entrepreneurship for Clean Environment. Answer: One of the non-profit organisations that were established to keep the country clean from the waste products is Clean Up Australia ("Clean Up Australia Day - Official Site", 2017). In order to keep the trend they have to build collaboration with the organizations, communities and the government. Among the 7Ps of implementing marketing, this organisation follows promotion strategy in a effective way ("Develop a marketing strategy | Business Queensland", 2017). According to my perspective, this strategy will help them to achieve their objectives in spreading awareness about the need of a clean environment. The trust and the charity are the exchanging elements between these non profit organisations and other marketing organisations organisations which will aid them succeed in their goal. In terms of earning profit, this company spends the charitable money by buying equipments that will be used in cleaning the environment and the country, instead of making any profit. Billabong is a well known business brand formed by Gordon and Rena Merchant from Australia in 1973 (Payne, 2014). The Billabong is a surfing company that primarily deals with clothing retailer that produces accessories such as snowboard, skateboard, watches and backpacks. But the core business has shattered in the last few years. According to me, todays youth do not find the product anymore cool to wear. The reason behind the deteriorating business is not the over priced products but the indifference among the customers with a prolonged shift from the fashions inspired by surfing. Customers visiting the mentioned site do not find any reviews regarding the products whether these are safe and authentic. Thus, to my opinion these factors inhibit the Billabong to build relationship with the target customers (Industry, 2017). One of the effective ways to measure the distribution of income among people of the society is to calculate the decile ratio. It is important for the company to collect economic and financial data from the employees and Labour hours from Northern Territory of North island of New Zealand. This form of primary data can be collected with the help of Survey analysis from all the workers and employees in the respective region (Vanek et al. 2014). It is important for the surveyors, who are responsible for collecting data to fix up on their area of data collection. The company need to refer to the government report of Survey analysis and other relevant economic report that are made after collecting data from the respective area. It is also important to evaluate the primary source of income for the people. This can help to ensure that proper analysis of the data is done. The company also need to identify whether there is any inequality in the income level of the people. The company also need to recruit proper data analyst, who will have the skill to provide detailed information from the statistical report which is obtained from government records and survey analysis (Atkinson Bourguignon, 2014). Nestle, Pepsi Unilever are currently, three of the major FMCG global brands. The target customer for Nestle includes all the people who are highly conscious about the health as most of the products are related to health and dietary supplements and baby products. In order to further the segment the market, it is essential for the Nestle to target the younger generations, who are passionate about good health ("News Feed", 2017). The Pepsi on the other hand uses the techniques of mass marketing as they sell beverage drinks that can be consumed by all types of people. As in the recent times, Pepsi is launching beverage drinks with low sugar and calorific value, it is essential that they segment the market by targeting the health conscious people. Unilever is a company, which sells a wide range of products that is related to personal and home care category. The company mainly uses the techniques of mass marketing in order to attract maximum possible customers. There are also few high priced luxury product of the company, which is aimed for the people of rich section of the society. Out of these three brands the marketing technique of Unilever is the best as they use different methods of marketing. The Pepsi has the worst ranking due to the fact that they do not provide message for any particular groups of customers ("About", 2017). The generation of the baby boomers comprises population of approximately 80 million people who were born in between 1946-1964 and successfully affecting the marketing trends through decades (Gursoy, Chi Karadag, 2013). In modern world, the demographic changes are taking place due to economic crisis. But Baby Boomers are thought to maintain the trend by marketing traditional products. Thus some of the international companies are reported to increase their revenue by following the trends of Baby Boomers. These baby boomers are predicted to live long than previous generation and controls 70% of disposable income of nations. A research by IBIS world provided the examples of the industries that will benefit from this generations habit of spending, published in Booming: Industries Benefiting from the Aging Population. First marketing trend is associated with the Baby Boomers who are self-employed and might plan to sell their stock to fund retirement. Thus the financial advisers, business appraisers and tax planners are expecting to experience a booming revenue growth. Second marketing trend is the increased revenue growth of the international tour companies that offer trips to the retired boomers who planned to spend their savings in touring during their healthy stage of life. This will also increase the revenue growth for the travel insurers through the boomers willing to give high premiums. Next are the non profit entities such as churches, agencies for animal adoption, homeless shelters and education based organisations. Baby Boomers increase their revenue by volunteering young generations and providing generous charities after their retirement. Baby boomers health are thought to decline with age, so the health companies are focussed on reducing medical expenditures and facilitating latest treatments such as Pharmacy benefits managers (PBMs) that negotiates with the medicine companies in terms of discounts, processing claims and retail networking, concierge docto rs who are take fixed fees with limited patients. These doctors gain more money by seeing less patients providing personalized and special assistance to the patients ("Industries that Could Be Booming as the Baby Boomers Age | Flagel Huber Flagel", 2017). Therefore, in this way the demographic trends are affecting the international marketing that benefits the ageing baby boomers. References About. (2017).Unilever global company website. Retrieved 31 August 2017, from https://www.unilever.com/about/ Atkinson, A. B., Bourguignon, F. (Eds.). (2014). Handbook of income distribution. Elsevier. Clean Up Australia Day - Official Site. (2017).Cleanupaustraliaday.org.au. Retrieved 31 August 2017, from https://www.cleanupaustraliaday.org.au/ Develop a marketing strategy | Business Queensland. (2017).Business.qld.gov.au. Retrieved 31 August 2017, from https://www.business.qld.gov.au/running-business/marketing-sales/marketing-promotion/strategy Gursoy, D., Chi, C. G. Q., Karadag, E. (2013). Generational differences in work values and attitudes among frontline and service contact employees.International Journal of Hospitality Management,32, 40-48. Industries that Could Be Booming as the Baby Boomers Age | Flagel Huber Flagel. (2017).Fhf-cpa.com. Retrieved 31 August 2017, from https://fhf-cpa.com/industries-that-could-be-booming-as-the-baby-boomers-age/ Industry, B. (2017).Billabongs Downfall May Signal The Death Of The Entire Surfwear Industry.Business Insider. Retrieved 31 August 2017, from https://www.businessinsider.com/billabong-demise-surfwear-2013-11?IR=T News Feed. (2017). https://www.nestle.com.au. Retrieved 31 August 2017, from https://www.nestle.com.au/media/news-feed#itemPerPage=20 Payne, A. (2014). Selling surf, sun and fitness: Queensland's mass-market fashion.Fashion Archives,2014(9). Vanek, J., Chen, M. A., Carr, F., Heintz, J., Hussmanns, R. (2014). Statistics on the informal economy: Definitions, regional estimates and challenges.Women in Informal Employment: Globalizing and Organizing (WIEGO) Working Paper (Statistics),2.
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