Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Psychology Capstone free essay sample
Inspiration, the hypothesis of feeling and the methodology and shirking ideas will be tended to in this paper, just as how the humanistic methodology can be applied as it identifies with inspiration. People are propelled by a differing domain of reasons. Inside the inspiration hypothesis, the capacity to recognize thoughtful people and outgoing people can be effectively decided. Regularly gregarious friendly people sparkle in social settings. On the off chance that we utilize the Big Five Model, as a manual for recognize loners and social butterflies, checking neuroticism, extraversion, receptiveness to experience, appropriateness and scruples we can all the more transparently relate to which side of our character best speaks to us and people. It is an apparatus that is significant when diagnosing a patient in restorative settings. Eventually, we need inspiration for endurance. For in the event that we are not spurred we can not fight for ourselves, outsmart or draw from internal encounters and qualities to move forward. With approach and evasion, we have a ying/yang wonder. We will compose a custom paper test on Brain research Capstone or on the other hand any comparable subject explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page As people, for the most part we stay away from circumstance that are agreeable, can be hazardous and thusly we shield ourselves from relieving factors that can cause utilize mental anguish and individual damage. Approach is utilized regularly to support our sense of self, balance out ourselves in the best results and participate in positive encounters that bring us delight and fulfillment. â€Å"The differentiation among approach and shirking is central and vital to examine the effect, cognizance, and conduct. †(Elliot amp; Thrash, 2002, p. 04) Within assorted variety we should unveil psychodynamic points of view that are characteristic for human inspiration. Decent variety depends on basic reasoning and preparing. For it's anything but a stale substitute of homogenized hypotheses, however a mixture of intelligent social, social, structures of qualities that consolidate to make a more grounded hypothesis inside inspiration. We can set and accomplish objectives that we disguis e or externalize. For certain expectations are distant from everyone else enough to persuade them, while others need a cultivated explicit assignment to help their inward self. Having the option to utilize the two classifications inside inspiration, â€Å"a want for future relationship motivating forces and rewards and evasion duty is a craving to stay away from the negative outcomes or expenses of relationship disintegration. †(Strachman amp; Gable, 2006, p. 1) Diversity fortifies inspiration for decent variety incorporates natural selection hypotheses, much like inspiration which is basic to our human endurance and psychological wellness. As to disciplines that inspiration can be applied to can incorporate essentially any hypothesis, similar to Behaviorism, Cognition, Existentialism, to give some examples. With inspiration/behaviorism, the need to finish a psychological procedure that can be a positive or negative can be overpowering. For instance, on the off chance that you are on a tight eating routine and your inspiration is part inward or outer. With behaviorism, inspiration (approach or evasion) while you are consuming less calories, mental procedures can influence how we carry on in a specific circumstance. Would we be able to utilize operant or traditional molding to count calories, will I have to pull switch or pop a pill to prepare my cerebrum to flag my body to not have any desire to eat. Inspiration is solid, inspiration, however it might be is a solid spark to continue onward. Contingent upon mental steadiness and the eagerness to succeed, inspiration can be a staggering interior inclination that can manage conduct to accomplish a wide scope of objectives. Humanistic brain research envelops a comprehensive way to deal with human inspiration. Why we do what we do, the importance of what we need, the opportunity to pick the correct way that can prompt self-realization is a rousing element to accomplish human potential. Inspiration can be applied through the humanistic methodology for it requires inborn and outward purposes behind human presence. Our awareness rouses us to process mental issues which is effectively deciphered through the humanistic methodology. To the center of human presence, the humanistic methodology, particularly dependent on Maslow’s pecking order of requirements is comprehensive with sparks to help move us to form into the most ideal individual we can be. I am on government assistance and must finish various hours as an action that outcomes in either paid or unpaid hours out of each week. I should finish an aggregate of 35 hours of work. Havin composed the entirety of this, I close with my mental commitments. I am better prepared to help everyone around me, at the directing focus where I volunteer, since I have picked up such a great amount of information from my investigations. Persistence is currently given, where before I may have been more averse to give, for the present I am increasingly mindful of human inspiration, mental procedures and mental anguish that individuals endure and need somebody to identify with assistance them feel alleviation and feel human once more. Something I attempt to do each day, while living on the government assistance framework, being dealt with like issue, and not a human.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Harlem’s darkness and hardships Free Essays
Baldwin’s â€Å"Sonny’s Blues†is an account of the two siblings living in Harlem. Harlem is where the two siblings encountered the obscurity of the general public. This haziness brings up bigotry and medication maltreatment as one of the serious issues encountering by numerous African-American in Harlem. We will compose a custom exposition test on Harlem’s dimness and hardships or then again any comparable theme just for you Request Now Despite the fact that prejudice was felt by the two siblings and medication misuse chased Sonny, one of the two siblings, they despite everything figured out how to embrace and make due through the assistance of one another. Toward the start of the story, the more established sibling is headed to fill in as a teacher. As he goes not far off, he likewise peruses the paper and discovered that his sibling was found managing courageous woman. Indeed, even previously, Sonny was associated by his more established sibling with utilizing unlawful medications yet the more established sibling sits idle. Before the medication related episode occurs, the more established sibling who is likewise the storyteller of the story consistently discusses Sonny similar to a decent sibling. He says â€Å"When Sonny was youthful, his face was splendid and open†. Sonny’s sibling stresses over the contribution of Sonny in illicit medications. Sonny is being reliant on medications and utilizations it as an approach to get away from his issues. This issue makes his sibling think about the things he fouled up to make Sonny associated with illicit drug use. Because of that, the sibling confounds all the demonstrations Sonny is doing. He doesn't tune in to Sonny regardless of whether it must be about the clarification and reasons of why Sonny drew in to medicate related exercises. Sonny winds up disregarded by his sibling. This makes him feel that nobody could support him yet his own self. Understanding this, he occupies his regard for music. This contribution to music makes him finds the help he is looking for. With the music playing, Sonny can get away from the issues he is experiencing. The improvement of Sonny is not really seen by his sibling. From the outset, his contribution to music frustrates his sibling not until his sibling understands the progressions music has done to Sonny. His sibling acknowledges reality and understands that music has worked admirably to Sonny’s improvement. Everything occurred in the piece of the story where his sibling is tuning in to Sonny as he plays the piano. As Sonny plays the piano, his sibling feels that Sonny need his direction and love. The unlimited love by the sibling to Sonny was portrayed in the story. Tuning in to the Jazz music played by Sonny, the disposition of the sibling towards life, himself and Sonny changes. The antagonism of the two siblings hurt them both. Sonny’s devotion to music and his assurance to avoid any type of unlawful medications move the more seasoned sibling to change. The affection and enthusiasm of the two siblings are appeared in the story. Their battle against the murkiness in Harlem caused them to understand that to win is to acknowledge the shortcoming of every last one of them and to have the option to endure is to help one another. As a last point, to have the option to make due in a general public where you are not the principle character, you should figure out how to adjust and to help other people that are likewise adjusting. The difficulties of Black American siblings in the hour of bigotry and its battle against illicit medications can be fathom if trust, acknowledgment and love is inside the family ties. The most effective method to refer to Harlem’s haziness and hardships, Papers
Monday, August 3, 2020
What is an Employee Furlough, and Why Do Employers Use Them
What is an Employee Furlough, and Why Do Employers Use Them With the recent developments in the US government, people, even those who are not affected by the ongoing situation, are getting more and more interested in furlough politics, how and why it is used, what the consequences are, and so on.At the very beginning, it is important to know that furloughs are a measure taken to avoid even more drastic measures.Companies use them more often than you would initially think, but not always in such extremes that it becomes a worldwide sensation.The January 2019 United States Government furlough is not the first of the kind, there have been others (18 of them), equally serious during the years. WHAT IS A FURLOUGH?Furlough is essentially and mandatory leave from work issued by your company.The furlough is a cost-saving action and usually happens when a company experiences a reorganization, a financial setback and/or shutting down.It gives the company an opportunity to manage finances without having to resort to layoffs and RIFs.How?The idea is to a void laying-off or firing any employees, and instead, all the employees make a small sacrifice, enabling everyone to keep their jobs.There are different types and durations of furlough and they depend on the companys needs and even the nature of the business.As in any action, especially those relating to the people aspect of company management, furlough has its own advantages and disadvantages (we will examine them later in the text).The furloughed workers are usually informed of the furloughs duration and have their job waiting for them after the mandatory leave ends.Pay attention that furlough should not be and cannot be a long-term solution for the companys economic crisis, and as such, it cannot go on forever.If it goes on for over a year, companies might want to consider taking some more serious measures like layoffs or closing the company.WHICH COMPANIES USE FURLOUGH?As we already mentioned, there is not just one type of company which uses furlough.Most commonly, federal and g overnment employees are affected by them.The workers are divided into two categories: essential and non-essential workers.In government, the non-essential ones are usually employees working in for NASA, Labor Department, Environmental Protection Agency and so on.Those categorized as non-essential are furloughed i.e. they go on an unpaid leave of absence.However, not only the government employees get furloughed, it happens with other companies when they face a financial setback and when they want to avoid firing workers.Some companies and industries have scheduled furloughs due to the nature of the business.For example, hotels in seasonal tourist locations might want to use furlough during the months that are not a peak of the business season.Why would you keep a hotel on Santorini up and running November through March when there are no tourists, and inherently no revenue?In those and similar examples, the owner might choose to furlough the workers, cutting back expenses and prepare for the following season.Other businesses that could resort to furlough are for example lawn mowers, pool cleaners, companies responsible for clearing the snow off the roads and many others that are in some way connected to a certain season- either climate-wise or if related to a topic (Wedding season, Holiday season and so on)Note that there are other uses of the word furlough that is not related to employment and that can cause confusion.Those are prison and military furloughs, which grant a prisoner or a soldier some time to visit home and then return to the prison or service.With prisoners, those are usually occasions like family members funerals or weddings, and with soldiers after being on an assignment away from home for more than 2-3 years.HOW IS FURLOUGH IMPLEMENTED?The Importance of the Furlough NoticeOne of the first things that should be taken into consideration when you are thinking about putting employees on furlough is the way in which you plan on informing them.Makin g a mistake in this aspect can lead to employees losing confidence in the management, and create negative emotions towards it. In some, drastic, cases a lawsuit might ensue.The notice should be in a written form and issued at least 60 days prior to the start of the furlough.Sometimes, a notice can be provided orally or over the phone but it should be avoided as it can lead to miscommunication and misunderstandings.When in doubt, resort to the usual method which your company uses to issue statements and notices.Informing the employee about the furlough needs to be executed tactfully with the highest regard of the employees feelings and concerns, as the hit to the income can stress out and worry the employee.The management should be able to answer all the possible questions regarding the implications of the furlough and take time to do so.Explaining that furlough is not a punishment for the employee and that it does not reflect their value and performance is also a must.Doubting in yo urself and your competencies lead to the lowering of the morale which in turn leads to weakened productivity.What is the duration of a furlough?Another aspect of a furlough is its duration as well as a form it takes.It can be carried out in various ways depending on the companys needs, the industry it belongs to and so on. So there is not just one correct answer to the question of how long can an employee be on furlough.It can last for months (preferably not over a year) or weeks. In this situation, the employees do not come to work at all during this period of time and they do not get their paychecks.However, in some situations, like government jobs furloughs, the employees may receive their pay retroactively after the furlough had ended.Another option is that employees take one unpaid week off work during a month.For example, the employees are divided into 4 groups and each group takes a different week off (group 1 does not come to work on the first week, group two on the second w eek and so on).On the other hand, the employer may decide to have all the workers take the same week off, and temporarily close the company, saving money for electricity, heating and more.There is another alternative to that and that is sending employees on furlough one day of the week, or reducing daily work hours by one or two hours a day.During the furlough that takes these partial forms, the employees receive their paychecks but they are reduced for the hours they are not working.This brings us to the issue of the employee classification that affects calculating work hours.WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN EXEMPT AND NON-EXEMPT WORKERS?The exempt and non-exempt employees differ in the aspect of overtime pay eligibility and the fact that they are receiving wages or salaries.In furlough situations, this can cause quite a mess since the payment is not carried out in the same way for both groups according to their contracts.What are they exempt or non-exempt from?The workers are exempt or non-exempt from the rules and regulations of FLSA Fair Labor Standards Act. (It establishes a minimum wage, overtime pay, recordkeeping and so on.)1. Non-exempt WorkersA standard workweek consists of 40 working hours.Non-exempt workers comply with the rules and regulations of FLSA, they work a minimum of 40 hours per week, receive at least a minimum wage, and are eligible for overtime pay.This means that an increase in wage is calculated for each hour of overtime work.If a non-exempt worker is affected by the furlough, they have the right to be paid for each hour they worked during the length of it.For example, if the workday is shortened from eight to seven hours, the non-exempt workers must receive a recalculated amount according to the seven-hour workday, or if one day a week is a furlough day, they must get paid a regular amount for the other four days.Pay attention to the fact that each State has its own overtime pay policies, so employers must check those regulations wit h the States Department of Labor before calculating the pays during the furlough time.2. Exempt WorkersOpposed to the non-exempt workers who receive hourly wages, the exempt workers receive weekly salaries.They are not eligible for minimum wage or overtime pay. The FLSA does not cover them in any way.However, companies themselves can offer some sort of an overtime work incentive or a benefits package, and this differs from company to company and is regulated by the employees contract.Exempt employees often have an executive, supervisory or a sales position.If an exempt worker is affected by the furlough, problems might arise, for example, If an employee in this category works even a little (as far as answering an e-mail or a work-related phone call) during the furlough, they are entitled to receiving a full weeks salary.Since the aim of furlough is to save money, this is definitely not a good thing, in fact, it is even worse since the employer would be paying for a lot more than th e actual work.This is why the employers introduce the no-work rule which means that the employees cannot work at all during that time.Sometimes they would even take away work phones and temporarily deactivate work e-mails in order to avoid such situations.Also, this is why it is usually scheduled that exempt workers go on furlough in blocks that last at least a week.RECEIVING BENEFITS AND FILING FOR UNEMPLOYMENTReducing the work hours opens a new set of questions regarding the possibility of having to file for unemployment and keeping the benefits such as health insurance.Even though the employees do not get their paychecks, most companies keep paying for their benefits such as health insurance and welfare.As it still draws money away from the budget, some companies may decide to revoke the benefits during the furlough, especially if it goes on for a month or more.Also, if an employees workweek is less than 35 hours, in some states, the said employee goes to the part-time worker cat egory and loses eligibility for benefits plan (states have their own policies about benefits so check the ones that are related to your location).In those situations, it can be solved by reconstructing the initial agreement for 35 hours workweek to 32 hours workweek, enabling employees to keep their benefits.In situations where furlough lasts longer, employees might qualify for unemployment benefits.The employee will be asked to submit evidence of how long they are not working, how much they earn and so on, and if they qualify they can file for unemployment.The requirements also differ from state to state but employees usually qualify if they are unemployed due to no fault of their own, such as long-term furlough or layoff.Filing for unemployment is not a permanent solution, but a temporary one as this is also regulated by the law.WHAT ARE THE ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES OF FURLOUGHS?Like any other action that you take regarding your business and towards its improvement, furlough h as some desirable outcomes, but also some less desirable ones.1. DisadvantagesOne of the first disadvantages you could come across is not saving as much money as you initially thought. Your expenses will be reduced but not decimated.This can especially be seen if you make an oversight regarding benefits plans and salaried employees.Also, the employees who would have to pull their weight in preparing the company for reopening after a furlough are the ones that come from the exempt category, which means that their pay is substantial, and you will have to pay them.Morale is another thing that can go either way- it may stay up as your employees see that they are not being laid-off, however, if a furlough lasts for a long time, it can lead to losing faith in the companys management, existential worries and resigning the position in order to look for another job.This especially happens if the furlough is not scheduled so as to allow planning and if it happens suddenly without timely noti ce. Some of your best employees might resign in search of a more secure job that offers them the opportunity to improve their careers rather than allowing them to become stale.A furlough that lasts even a week provides them with enough time to schedule interviews and resign, leaving you with a necessity to hire and train somebody else for the post.Reopening also takes time and resources, since you need to prepare and allow the employees to catch up (if the entire company was not a subject of the furlough) and regain the momentum that was interrupted by the furlough and reach the degree of high efficiency again.2. AdvantagesIn most situations, and if the furlough is conducted properly, your employees morale will stay high as they would realize that there are benefits to the situations.With the employers proper planning, the company may still meet the markets demands and not lose credibility and/or customers. Primarily, you avoid layoffs which are leaving the workers without jobs.The y are ready to disregard the fact that they are not receiving pay for that time since they get to keep their health insurance and are grateful to know that their job will be waiting for them after the furlough ends.They appreciate the opportunity to be able to keep their jobs and remain loyal to the company in return.The employees skills and expertise will remain sharp, if the furlough lasts for a short time, and they might even appreciate a little time off work if it does not affect their livelihood in a grave manner.After reopening, you will not have the need to hire new people to fill the emptied positions, as many will return after the furlough has ended.Hiring process takes time and retraining takes both time and resources, so with the furlough, you get your experienced employees back.If a furlough is scheduled, it allows both the company and the employees to benefit from it.For seasonal works, for example, the employer gets to reduce revenue during the low activity periods and gets time to gather strengths.On the other hand, the employees get to plan their own expenses and savings, or even decide to take up another part-time, or seasonal job to fill in the time on furlough.Planning makes the process less traumatic and allows for the possibility of returning to the post after the furlough.This does not relate only to seasonal jobs.If the furlough notice is issued in advance and in a timely fashion, your employees would have enough time to do all the required planning to go through the transition effortlessly.FURLOUGHS vs. LAYOFFSSo far, we have talked about furloughs in detail but we have mentioned layoffs more than once.In order to avoid confusion, let us further examine the similarities and differences between furloughs and layoffs.Layoffs are considered a more drastic and less desirable alternative to furloughs.The main reason for that opinion s the fact that in a furlough the employees get a guarantee that they will have their job waiting for them at the end of the furloughs duration, if they want the job back, of course (since they can find another job during the time).With layoffs, that is not the case. The employees are laid-off without the guarantee that they will be called back when and if the company restarts its business, but there is a possibility.Layoffs are usually reserved for temporary leaves that are supposed to be longer than furloughs. (Note that it is also different from RIFs Reduction in Forces, which are almost exclusively actions of permanent termination of contracts.)Another point of difference is that in furlough the employees may be able to keep healthcare and dental insurances, while layoffs do not allow for that.Applying for unemployment is always possible with layoffs, and it is conditioned by work hours in furloughs.Severance packages and outplacement services are offered to the laid-off workers while the furloughed workers never get that option as they technically still have their jobs.So how do you choose the best tactic for cost-reduction for your business? Basically, the amount of resources decides that for you.If you are certain that you would be able to call back all your furloughed employees, go with the furlough.However, if you think that that may not be the case, and you end up prolonging the furlough time, it might be fair to lay-off workers and provide them with the opportunity to look for another job.Keep in mind that both actions may result in a bad reputation among the workers and the public.FINAL WORDSo, what is the bottom line regarding furloughs? Are they a good choice for your company or not?What you should do to answer these questions after you got acquainted with all the implications, downsides and upsides, is to carefully examine your companys needs for a cost-saving plan.Decide whether furlough is enough for your current situation or you need to bring more extreme measures to fix the ongoing financial issue.After you have made that decision, work up a furl ough schedule all the time keeping in mind your companys and your employees wellbeing, so that everybody could benefit from the furlough in the long run, as that is its main aim.Weigh in the advantages and disadvantages, work out a plan, categorize your employees, figure out the duration, calculate how much you want to save and figure out a support system for your furloughed workers so that they would remain loyal to the company.Furlough might be a productive and efficient solution for your company at a moment of financial crisis or reorganization but bear in mind that it is not and should not be considered a long-term practice because it will damage your brands name, discourage your employees loyalty, and, in that case, it will turn out to be a counterproductive move.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Definition of Victorian
The adjective Victorian is used to described something from the period of the reign of Britain’s Queen Victoria. And, as Victoria was on the throne for more than 60 years, from 1837 to 1901, the term is also used to describe things from the 19th century in general. The word is used to describe a wide variety of items, such as Victorian authors or Victorian architecture or even Victorian clothing and fashion. But in its most common usage the word is used to describe social attitudes, implying an emphasis on moral rigidity, priggishness, and prudery. Queen Victoria herself was often perceived as being overly serious and possessing little or no sense of humor. This was due in part to her having been widowed at a relatively young age. The loss of her husband, Prince Albert, was devastating, and for the rest of her life she wore black mourning clothes. Surprising Victorian Attitudes The concept of the Victorian era as repressive is true to some extent, of course. Society at the time was much more formal. But many advances were made during Victorian times, especially in the fields of industry and technology. And a number of societal reforms also took place. One sign of great technological progress would be the enormous technology show held in London, the Great Exhibition of 1851. Queen Victorias husband, Prince Albert, organized it, and Queen Victoria herself visited the displays of new inventions in the Crystal Palace on numerous occasions. And social reformers were also a factor in Victorian life. Florence Nightingale became a British hero by introducing her reforms to the nursing profession. And the novelist Charles Dickens created plots highlighting problems in British society. Dickens had gotten disgusted with the plight of the working poor in Britain during the period of industrialization. And his classic holiday tale, A Christmas Carol, was written specifically as a protest against the treatment of workers by an increasingly greedy upper class. A Victorian Empire The Victorian Era was a peak time for the British Empire, and the concept of Victorians being repressive is more true in dealings internationally. For instance, a bloody uprising by native troops in India, the Sepoy Mutiny, was brutally put down. And in Britains closest colony in the 19th century, Ireland, periodic rebellions were put down. The British also fought in many other places, including two wars in Afghanistan. Despite troubles in many places, the British Empire held together during Victorias reign. And when she celebrated her 60th anniversary on the throne in 1897, troops from across the empire paraded during the massive celebrations in London. The Meaning of Victorian Perhaps the most precise definition of the word Victorian would restrict it purely to the years of the late 1830s to the beginning of the 20th century. But, as it was a period of so much happening, the word has taken on many connotations, which vary from the notion of repression in society to great progress in technology. And as the Victorian Era was profoundly interesting, perhaps that is inevitable.
Monday, May 11, 2020
Easy and Fun February Writing Prompts
February can be a tough month for many students with very few if any days off. Many school districts across the nation do not take Presidents Day off. Following is a list of themes and writing prompts for each day of February. These can be used any way you see fit in your class. They are great as warm-ups or journal entries. February Holidays American Heart MonthBlack History MonthChildrens Dental Health MonthInternational Friendship MonthResponsible Pet Owners Month Writing Prompt Ideas for February February 1 - Theme: National Freedom DayOn this day in 1865, Abraham Lincoln signed the Amendment that would outlaw slavery once it was ratified. If slavery was outlawed with the 13th amendment, why were amendments 14 and 15 needed?February 2 - Theme: Groundhog DayAccording to weather data kept since 1887, the groundhog at Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania has only been accurate 39% of the time. Why do Americans still celebrate this day even though its accuracy is so low?February 3 - Theme: Elmos Birthday (Sesame Street Character)What was your favorite television program as a small child? Which characters do you remember most? Why?February 4 - Theme: Rosa Parks BirthdayPretend you were Rosa Parks in 1955. What would you have felt like as you decided not to give up your seat to a white man?February 5 - Theme: National Weatherpersons DayMeteorology is the study of the atmosphere, especially as it relates to the weather. Do you think that being a weatherperson would be a difficult job? Why or why not?February 6 - Theme: Monopoly First SoldWhat is your favorite board game? Explain why you like it.February 7 - Theme: Charles Dickens BirthdayIn the past, individuals who did not have the money to pay their bills were thrown in debtors prison, a theme which is key in many of Charles Dickens novels. Do you think that this is an appropriate punishment for not being able to pay off your bills? Why or why not?February 8 - Theme: Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts (Officially Boy Scout Day)Were or are you a boy or girl scout? If so, what did you think of your experiences as a scout? If not, do you wish that you had participated in the scouts? Why or why not?February 9 - Theme: Chocolate (Founding of Hersheys Chocolate)Describe your favorite candy bar. You can choose to do this as prose or as poetry.February 10 - Theme: Chinese New YearIn the western calendar, a leap day happens every four years. However, in the Chinese calendar, a leap month happens about every three years. Come up with a nd explain at least three issues that might arise if the west decided to use this calendar instead of the one that is currently use.February 11 - Theme: National Inventors DayHave you ever come up with an idea for an invention? If so, describe it. If not, what do you think is the best invention of the 20th century.February 12 - Theme: Abraham Lincolns BirthdayAbraham Lincoln said, Most folks are as happy as they make up their minds to be. What do you think he meant by that quote? Do you think its true?February 13 - Theme: International Friendship MonthDo you have any friends that live in another country? If so, explain how you became friends. If not, if you were to become a penpal with someone from a foreign country, which country would you choose? Why?February 14 - Theme: Valentines DayWho do you care about the most? Why do you care for them so much? Explain.February 15 - Theme: Susan B. Anthonys BirthdayAt the time that womens suffrage passed, there were many women who argued agai nst giving women the right to vote. Why do you think this was?February 16 - Theme: American Heart MonthWhat do you do to lead a healthy lifestyle? What do you think you could improve on (e.g., eat better, exercise more, etc.)?February 17 - Theme: Random Acts of Kindness DayHave you ever performed a random act of kindness? If so, explain what you did and why. If not, come up with a random act that you can perform later today and explain your plan.February 18 - Theme: Pluto DiscoveredWould you ever consider going on a trip to the moon? Why or why not?February 19 - Theme: Phonograph was PatentedHow do you buy and listen to music today? How does this differ from the way your parents did it? In your opinion, how have these changes affected music and the music industry?February 20 - Theme: Responsible Pet Owners MonthDo you or does your family own a pet? If so what type of pet is it? What are the pros and cons of owning a pet?February 21 - Theme: Washington Monument DedicatedHave you ever been to Washington, D.C.? Why do you think that the nation has created monuments like the Washington Monument or the Jefferson Memorial? Do you think they are important symbols? Why or why not?February 22 - Theme: George Washingtons BirthdayThe story that George Washington could not lie when asked if he cut down a cherry tree is not true. It was written after his death. Explain why you think a biography might create a story like this when writing about someone famous who they admire.February 23 - Theme: Iwo Jima DayDo you think that you would like to join the military at some point in the future? Why or why not?February 24 - Theme: Andrew Johnsons ImpeachmentTwo presidents have been impeached: Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton. However, no president has actually been removed from office. It only takes a simple majority of the House of Representatives to be impeached (or basically found guilty of a crime). However, it takes 2/3 of the Senate to remove a president from office. Explain why you think the founding fathers made this so difficult?February 25 - Theme: Paper CurrencyWhat are the pros and cons of having paper currency instead of carrying around coins made of gold, silver, or some other precious metal?February 26 - Theme: Grand Canyon EstablishedWhy is it important for the national government to protect and manage natural treasures such as the Grand Canyon?February 27 - Theme: National Strawberry DayWhat is your favorite fruit? What do you like about it? If you do not like any fruit, explain why not.February 28 - Theme: Republican Party FoundedWhich political party do you think represents your views the most? Why do you think this is so?February 29 - Theme: Leap DayExplain how a person could logically claim that they have only had 8 birthdays when they are actually 32 years old.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Monsanto †Appointing, Legislating, and Lobbying Its Way to the Top Free Essays
string(47) " may know nothing about the subject otherwise\." Interest groups are defined as an â€Å"organized group of people that makes policy-related appeals†and they can have a profound effect on our government and society (Ginsberg, Lowi, and Weir 419). These groups represent their interests in the political arena in a variety of ways; they can get government officials appointed to government positions, lobby government officials, and fund media to advertise their message to mobilize public opinion and sway voters. Businesses interest groups in particular utilize these strategies, because there is an economic incentive in passing favorable laws and conveying a good image to government and the public. We will write a custom essay sample on Monsanto  Appointing, Legislating, and Lobbying Its Way to the Top or any similar topic only for you Order Now One business interest currently benefiting from their interaction with the Obama administration is Monsanto. Monsanto is a billion dollar company responsible for genetically modified seeds, the chemical Roundup and its associated Roundup ready crops, the toxic chemical substance Agent Orange, bovine growth hormones (rBGH), and the synthetic sugar substitute known as aspartameâ€â€to name a few. As a business interest group, it has been a terrific success in using government to push its agenda, much to the dismay of environmental activists, scientists, and concerned citizens who want their government to regulate businesses and protect the public. This paper will examine how business interest groups like Monsanto have been able to further their agenda under the Obama administration through the appointment of employees to federal positions, lobbying, and use of media to mobilize public opinion. ) Appointment to Federal positions The appointment of employees in business to positions in government is a common occurrence today and is often referred to as â€Å"The Revolving Door†. This is the shuffling in and out of government and private sector jobs, and it is bad because it leaves these government officials with biases and the high chance of being favorable to their former employer. In the Obama administration, there are currently many revolvers from private industry (â €Å"Revolving Door†). One current revolver from Monsanto who is now making policy decisions regarding our food safety is Michael Taylor. Michael Taylor was named deputy commissioner for foods at the Food and Drug Administration in January 2010 and is a former Vice President of Monsanto’s Public Policy(â€Å"Meet Michael R. Taylor, J. D. , Deputy Commissioner for Foods and Veterinary Medicine†). This obviously creates a bias when making decisions about policies regarding products manufactured by Monsanto, such as genetically modified foods or the bovine growth hormones used in milk. When Monsanto employees like Michael Taylor get into these agencies, they are usually favorable to their former employer Monsanto when making decisions. They also ensure direct access for lobbyists to the agencies they are in control of; â€Å"many of Washington’s top lobbyists have close ties to important members of congress or were themselves important political figures, thus virtually guaranteeing that clients will have direct access to government officials†(Ginsberg, Lowi, and Weir 414). Taylor is a former lobbyist and current government official who now gives Monsanto full access into the decision making of many of American’s decisions about food. Unfortunately, he is just one in a litany of government officials who have vested interests in the private sector while still being allowed to make decisions affecting the health and safety of the American public. By getting employees into federal positions, businesses increase their chances of creating a strong iron triangle system that supports their interest group. The iron triangle is a â€Å"stable, cooperative relationship that often develops among a congressional committee, an administrative agency, and one or more supportive interest groups†(Ginsberg, Lowi, and Weir 418). This iron triangle system is powerful in creating favorable legislation and regulation for Monsanto; their good working relationship with legislative committees and executive agencies allows them to support their agenda and further their business by directly shaping policy outcomes. 2) Lobbying members of congress Lobbying is a critical part of how interest groups represent their agenda in government and seek passage of favorable legislation. A lobbyist’s goal is to influence policy in a certain direction by â€Å"mobilizing individual citizens to contact legislators (grassroots lobbying), testifying at hearings, submitting written comments to an agency or committee, press releases, and other activities†(Hasen 217). Lobbyists also take full of advantage of their direct access and â€Å"personal contact with legislators and taff members†to influence policy decisions (Hasen 217). Monsanto is incredibly adept in all these areas, and was the top lobbying client in the agribusiness sector with $8,831,120 spent in 2008 and $5,970,000 in expenditures in 2012 (â€Å"Annual Lobbying on Agricultural Services†). Business interest groups often lobby congress and the executive branch to promote their agendas and enact favorable laws and regulations. They do this by gaining dir ect access to members of Congress and federal agencies and making their interests heard. This is even encouraged by the Administrative Procedure Act (APA) that â€Å"requires most federal agencies to provide notice and an opportunity for comment before implementing proposed new rules and legislation†(Ginsberg, Lowi, and Weir 434). This allows businesses like Monsanto to meet with agencies like the USDA, FDA, and EPA to weigh in on issues that affect them, such as the merits and safety of genetically modified organisms (GMO’s), discouraging labeling of GMOS’s, or enforcement rules on chemicals and pesticides. Research shows that business interest groups have gained legislative success through directly influencing the bureaucracy. According to research, the â€Å"significant trait in interest group influence is the privileged, institutionalized integration of some groups into public decision making†(Binderkrantz 177-78). Because of Monsanto’s high level of activity with government agencies and their ability to get access and lobby officials directly, their opinion is often integrated into public policy. Another way Monsanto lobbyists gain influence is through the information they have to offer the government. Research says â€Å"the most important factor governing the influence of a group was the ability of a group to provide lawmakers with both technical and political information†(Smith 235). Monsanto provides busy government officials with information about the issues that conveys authority and touts research backing, making policy decisions easier for a government official who may know nothing about the subject otherwise. You read "Monsanto  Appointing, Legislating, and Lobbying Its Way to the Top" in category "Papers" In fact, many politicians say lobbyists are an essential part of government; in response to a 1978 bill expanding lobbying disclosures, Senators Edward Kennedy, Dick Clark, and Robert Stafford issued the statement that â€Å"Government without lobbying could not function. The flow of information to Congress and to every other federal agency is a vital part of our democratic system†(Ginsberg, Lowi, and Weir 431). This quote exemplifies how politicians rely on lobbyists as an essential source of information regarding policy issues. Lobbyist’s role as conduits of this information to government is crucial because they are in complete control of how information is presentedâ€â€and thus how their agenda is received. One recent piece of legislation that Monsanto benefited from because of the information their ability to directly access lawmakers was House Resolution 933, an emergency spending bill passed to fund government operations through September and avert a government shutdown. The bill, signed by President Obama on March 26th 20013, will continue to protect this multi-billion dollar corporation from legal ramifications of the safety of its products. The budget bill, now dubbed the â€Å"Monsanto Protection Act†, inserted an unrelated provision that grants Monsanto against legal injunction for the next year and the ability to continue planting seeds and harvesting crops even if there are problems found with genetically modified organisms. Because they were trying to rush this bill through to avoid government shutdown, these shady provisions were able to sneak through. The Missouri Senator who added in the bill, Roy Blunt, admits he worked with Monsanto in creating the details of this legislature (â€Å"New Law Spurs Controversy, Debate Over Genetically Modified Crops†). This piece of protective legislation shows how corporations can use their direct access to government officials to alter policy changes. Because of this advantage of access and authority, business interest groups like Monsanto are extremely successful in transforming their agenda into public policy. Overall, research does indicate that there is a bias towards businesses. When comparing comments from business to nonbusiness commenters in federal agency hearings, there was a clear winner in policy outcomes. Agencies are more likely to be persuaded by lobbyists for business interests because of â€Å"the number of comments coming from business interests†and the fact that the â€Å"comments from business-related interests provide more information and signal a greater level of commenter expertise, causing agencies to respond to the requests made†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Webb 128). This research shows business interest groups have the advantage both in the amount of input, and the sense of credibility the information has coming from a large industry. Monsanto educates these government officials through their company’s own agenda and thus often succeeds in getting the policies it wants passed. This bias towards businesses undercuts the effectiveness of pluralism. Pluralism is the theory that all interests are and should be free to compete for influence in the government, with the outcome of this competition being compromise and moderation. The idea is that people will belong to interest groups that affect them and let their voices be heard by government, so that their needs can be met. Unfortunately, business interest groups often have a much greater voice than other interest groups through their existing ties to government via federal appointments and because of their financial power to fund lobbyists. Because they have a greater presence, the corporation’s needs are met while the needs of the public become secondary. While â€Å"interest group pluralism presumes that public policy outcomes are determined principally through a contest for influence among organized pressure groups†, we can see that it isn’t a very fair contest when Monsanto’s lobbyists have millions more dollars to spend. Stephenson and Jackson 7) It is clear that there is a negative implication of lobbying when legislation begins to favor elite interests rather than the public good. Because business interest groups are able to influence government in a disproportionately higher rate than citizens, â€Å"legislative outputs no longer reflect the outcome of reasoned deba te, promoting the common good, or the preferences of the median voters. Instead, public policy reflects the preferences of lobbyists’ clients†(Hasen 219). 4. Mobilizing Public Opinion Through Media Monsanto, like other interest groups, often uses media to further its cause. It can be used to rally support for the products it makes or it can be used to oppose policies that could affect the company negatively. Because it is a multi-billion dollar company, it is able to spend an inordinate amount to advertise their agenda and gain public favor more easily than companies that are not as well off financially. Research shows the effectiveness of an interest group’s use of media is correlated to its money and size: â€Å"the best predictor of an interest group’s ability to use the mass media as a political tool is the level of organizational resources (money, members, staff, etc. it enjoys†(Thrall 417). This shows that the advertising messages the public receives is determined by who has the most money to market themselves, and companies like Monsanto are obviously a dominant influence due to their resources. A recent example of Monsanto’s use of the media to further its agenda was the attempt at labeling genetically modified organ isms (GMO’s) that failed because of Monsanto’s supreme ability to mobilize public opinion. The California Proposition 37 added to the ballot in 2012 was an initiative to label foods that contain genetically modified organisms. Even with mounting concerns about public safety, Monsanto was able to control this issue through media and advertising and ensure that California voters would not let the proposition pass. They were successful because large companies were able to out fund non-profits and other groups who donated a fraction of Monsanto’s budget. Because of their resources and ability to advertise, Monsanto and other agribusinesses were able to easily sway voters with their carefully crafted ad campaigns. By paying to run millions of dollars on ads that threatened rising food costs if food labeling was required, they swayed many Americans worried about tough economic times. Their use of the media convinced citizens that labeling genetically modified foods was against their self-interests financially, and this threat prevented many people from voting the proposition through. It was a big comment on the state of consumer affairs in the country that a simple labeling law could not be passed; though the administration could follow many other countries leads and mandate GMO labeling, Monsanto is left deciding the fate of food with its money, power, and influence. 4) Conclusion: reaffirms your thesis statement, discusses the issues, and reaches a final judgment: your conclusion based on your research and your reasoning. Business interest groups are a powerful force in the decision making process of our country and will continue to exert force over policy as long as they have resources and access. To make their interests known and accepted, they utilize the attainment of federal positions, lobbying, litigation, and funding of media. To get their agenda expressed through the government, they use federal appointments in a process called the â€Å"Revolving Door†. This leads to biased decision making throughout branches of the government that can negatively affect policy outcomes for the public. If this continues, citizens will become alienated and distrusting of the federal government which seems to be only serving the elite interests of corporations. Lobbying is another way that citizens are rightly beginning to lose trust in the system. While in theory all interest groups are supposed to be able to lobby the government, only those interests with large amounts of money, access, and connections will have a good chance at having their interests be heard. Though there are regulations on how much lobbyists can spend and laws requiring them to register, it is still clear that lobbyists for billion dollar corporations are experiencing a higher level of success than public interest groups with little funding. This shows that in government, those with the most money and access will prevail. Unfortunately when â€Å"businesses and trade associations make up more than half of the Washington lobbying community†, it is unlikely citizens will fare as well as corporations (Baumgartner 1194). This has major implications when research shows that â€Å"some special interest lobbies frequently influence legislation and regulation in ways that†¦are detrimental to the public good†(Baker 53). Regulations made from information presented by lobbyists doesn’t serve the public goodâ€â€it serves Monsanto’s. The use of the media is another area in which Monsanto has dominated its competition. It was the highest contributor in advertising against Proposition 37, and the over seven million dollars poured into the cause was effective in squashing the issue of labeling genetically modified food. When a group like Monsanto is able to pour that amount of funds into mobilizing public opinion, they have complete control over the issue and how they want it to be seen and voted on by the American public. With enough money they were able to assuage concerns over the safety of genetically modified foods and managed to convince people it would actually go against their own self interests in terms of cost. The elite team of advertisers Monsanto has the funds to hire enables them to spin their issues in any way they need to in order to gain both governmental and public support for their agenda. By gaining support they can ensure individuals vote to Monsanto’s benefit and don’t actively oppose the company, leaving their profit motive as the single determiner of important public policy. How to cite Monsanto  Appointing, Legislating, and Lobbying Its Way to the Top, Papers
Thursday, April 30, 2020
Mixed Race Marriage
Treating people with dignity regardless of their skin color is a pre-requisite that of national integration. The United State of America has been struggling with racism for many years now. There have been attempts to fight it by encouraging interracial marriages as a way of improving national integration. The report from Pew Research Centre indicates that people are increasingly embracing mixed race marriages.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Mixed Race Marriage specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More More than 22% acceptance of mixed race marriages means that there is a slight improvement in how people view their counterparts from other races. This may be as a result of work of scholars who, from time to time, tried to state the importance of accepting one another regardless of skin color. The statistics also proves that the 1976 ruling changed the views of different people on interracial marriages. During the four year period of 1967-1970, people began to understand the importance of interracial marriage but due to fear, others still held on to their beliefs. Less than one 1% agreed with the fact that human beings were programmed to follow what others were doing (this is always a life preserving habit). The number of interracial marriages moved from an insignificant percentage to 5% by the year 2000 even with that nature of human beings. The attitude to blacks also improved at that time due to establishment of international community. However, out of the 77% who said Yes to the relationships between blacks and whites, few were not ready to enter into such relationships because of fear. They needed to resign to the status quo. The Y generation born after 1976 has a different perspective because they are aware of people like Luther King who spoke as they bubbled with rage at the palpable injustices and inequalities that the Black Americans experienced. As a result, 91% accepted interracial dating. They interacted, fell in love and would easily accept interracial marriage except for a few who still lived in fear and were not ready to compromise their relationships. From the recent research done in 2005, more people were expected to have a positive attitude because they were approaching global integration where racism was perceived as outdated. From the report, it was clear that 97% of Africans supported interracial marriages. The youth were also interacting with other races in institutions and were getting to know the facts behind racial intermarriages. It was this behavioral change that led to the 34% of positive responses among the youth. The regional pattern among the westerners had a slight influence on intermarriages. It was obvious that human beings took time to embrace change given the challenges within their communities.Advertising Looking for essay on ethnicity studies? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Acceptance could be one of the reasons why only 33% identified with friends and relatives in interracial marriages. The same happened in the Northeast and Midwest with a record of 19%. Further evidence of the life-preserving habit of human beings was shown in the census data done in 2000. Everyone did a common thing as in the case of white husbands marrying Asian wives. Conclusion While other strategies have failed to improve integration, interracial marriages can be the fourth wheel towards this effort. Creating a peaceful coexistence is important for the country. Therefore, mixed race marriage is important and should be embraced by everybody. It is only a matter of time (with enough education and awareness) that this global village can generate more relationships from all corners. We started from somewhere. If the trends from these research reports continue then the future generations will win this battle. This essay on Mixed Race Marriage was written and submitted by user Zeke Beasley to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Saturday, March 21, 2020
Bristol Beaufighter in World War II
Bristol Beaufighter in World War II General Specifications: Length: 41 ft., 4 in.Wingspan: 57 ft., 10 in.Height: 15 ft., 10 in.Wing Area: 503 sq. ft.Empty Weight: 15,592 lbs.Max Takeoff Weight: 25,400 lbs.Crew: 2 Performance: Maximum Speed: 320 mphRange: 1,750 milesService Ceiling: 19,000 ft.Power Plant:  2 Ãâ€" Bristol Hercules 14-cylinder radial engines, 1,600 hp each Armament: 4 Ãâ€" 20 mm Hispano Mk III cannon4 Ãâ€" .303 in. Browning machine guns (outer starboard wing)2 Ãâ€" .303 in. machine gun (outer port wing)8 Ãâ€" RP-3 rockets or 2Ãâ€" 1,000 lb. bombs Design and Development In 1938, Bristol Aeroplane Company approached the Air Ministry with a proposal for a twin-engine, cannon-armed heavy fighter based on its Beaufort torpedo bomber which was then entering production. Intrigued by this offer due to development problems with the Westland Whirlwind, the Air Ministry asked Bristol to pursue design of a new aircraft armed with four cannons. To make this request official, Specification F.11/37 was issued calling for a twin-engine, two-seat, day/night fighter/ground support aircraft. It was expected that the design and development process would be expedited as the fighter would utilize many of the Beauforts features. While the Beauforts performance was adequate for a torpedo bomber, Bristol recognized the need for improvement if the aircraft was to serve as a fighter. As a result, the Beauforts Taurus engines were removed and replaced with the more powerful Hercules model. Though the Beauforts aft fuselage section, control surfaces, wings, and landing gear were retained, the forward parts of the fuselage were heavily redesigned. This was due to the need to mount the Hercules engines on longer, more flexible struts which shifted the aircrafts center of gravity. To rectify this issue, the forward fuselage was shortened. This proved a simple fix as the Beauforts bomb bay was eliminated as was the bombardiers seat. Dubbed the Beaufighter, the new aircraft mounted four 20 mm Hispano Mk III cannons in the lower fuselage and six .303 in. Browning machine guns in the wings. Due to the location of the landing light, the machines guns were situated with four in the starboard wing and two in the port. Using a two-man crew, the Beaufighter placed the pilot forward while a navigator/radar operator sat further aft. Construction of a prototype commenced by using parts from an unfinished Beaufort. Though it was expected that the prototype could be built quickly, the necessary redesign of the forward fuselage led to delays. As a result, the first Beaufighter flew on July 17, 1939. Production Pleased with the initial design, the Air Ministry ordered 300 Beaufighters two weeks before the prototypes maiden flight. Though a bit heavy and slower than hoped, the design was available for production when Britain entered World War II that September. With the beginning of hostilities, orders for the Beaufighter increased, which led to a shortage of Hercules engines. As a result, experiments began in February 1940 to equip the aircraft with the Rolls-Royce Merlin. This proved successful and the techniques employed were used when the Merlin was installed on the Avro Lancaster. During the course of the war, 5,928 Beaufighters were constructed at plants in Britain and Australia. During its production run, the Beaufighter moved through numerous marks and variants. These generally saw alterations to the types power plant, armament, and equipment. Of these, the TF Mark X proved the most numerous at 2,231 built. Equipped to carry torpedoes in addition to its regular armament, the TF Mk X earned the nickname Torbeau and was also capable of carrying RP-3 rockets. Other marks were specially-equipped for night fighting or ground attack. Operational History     Entering service September 1940, the Beaufighter quickly became the Royal Air Forces most effective night fighter. Though not intended for this role, its arrival coincided with the development of airborne interception radar sets. Mounted in the Beaufighters large fuselage, this equipment allowed the aircraft to provide a solid defense against German night bombing raids in 1941. Like the German Messerschmitt Bf 110, the Beaufighter unintentionally remained in the night fighter role for much of the war and was used by both the RAF and US Army Air Forces. In the RAF, it was later replaced by radar-equipped De Havilland Mosquitoes while the USAAF later supplanted Beaufighter night fighters with the Northrop P-61 Black Widow. Used in all theaters by Allied forces, the Beaufighter quickly proved adept at conducting low-level strike and anti-shipping missions. As a result, it was widely employed by Coastal Command to attack German and Italian shipping. Working in concert, Beaufighters would strafe enemy ships with their cannons and guns to suppress anti-aircraft fire while torpedo-equipped aircraft would strike from low altitude. The aircraft fulfilled a similar role in the Pacific and, while operating in conjunction with American A-20 Bostons and B-25 Mitchells, played a key role in the Battle of the Bismarck Sea in March 1943. Renowned for its ruggedness and reliability, the Beaufighter remained in use by Allied forces through the end of the war. Retained after the conflict, some RAF Beaufighters saw brief service in the Greek Civil War in 1946 while many were converted for use as target tugs. The last aircraft left RAF service in 1960. During the course of its career, the Beaufighter flew in the air forces of numerous countries including Australia, Canada, Israel, Dominican Republic, Norway, Portugal, and South Africa.
Wednesday, March 4, 2020
Vladimir Zworykin, Father of the Television
Vladimir Zworykin, Father of the Television Vladimir Zworykin (July 30, 1889–July 29, 1982) is often called the father of television, but he never accepted that, stating that he shared credit with many others such as David Sarnoff. Among his 120 patents are two instruments that were critical to the development of television: the iconoscope camera tube and the kinescope picture tube. Fast Facts: Vladimir Zworykin Known For: Called the Father of Television for his work on the iconoscope camera tube and the kinescope picture tubeBorn: July 30, 1889 in Murom, Russia.Parents: Kosma A. and Elana ZworykinDied: July 29, 1982 in Princeton, New JerseyEducation: Petrograd Institute of Technology (electrical engineering, 1912), Ph.D, University of Pittsburg 1926Published Works: More than 100 technical papers, five books, 120 patentsAwards: 29 awards, including the National Medal of Science in 1966Spouse(s): Tatania Vasilieff (1916–1951), Katherine Polevitsky (1951–1982)Children: Elaine and Nina, with his first wifeNotable Quote: I hate what theyve done to my child†¦I would never let my own children watch it. (on his feelings about television) Early Life Vladimir Kosma Zworykin was born on July 30, 1889, the youngest of surviving seven (from the original 12) children of Kosma A. and Elana Zworykin of Murom, Russia. The well-to-do merchant family was dependent on Kosmas role as the owner of a wholesale grain business and a successful steamship line. In 1910, Vladimir entered the St. Petersburg Institute of Technology, where he studied electrical engineering under Boris Rosing and saw his first television. Rosing, a professor in charge of laboratory projects, tutored Zworykin and introduced his student to experiments of transmitting pictures by wire. Together they experimented with a very early cathode-ray tube, developed in Germany by Karl Ferdinand Braun. Rosing and Zworykin exhibited a television system in 1910 using a mechanical scanner in the transmitter and the electronic Braun tube in the receiver. After graduating in 1912, Zworykin entered the College de France in Paris, studying x-rays under Paul Langevin, but the studies were interrupted in 1914 with the outbreak of World War I. He then returned to Russia and worked as an officer with the Russian Signal Corps. Leaving Russia Zworkyin married Tatania Vasilieff on April 17, 1916, and they eventually had two daughters, Nina Zworykin (born 1920) and Elaine Zworykin Knudsen (born 1924). When the Bolshevik Revolution broke out in 1917, Zworykin was working at the Russian Marconi company. Rosing disappeared in the chaos, the Zworykin family home in Murom was seized by revolutionary forces, and Zworykin and his wife fled Russia, making two trips around the world before settling down in the United States in 1919. He briefly worked as a bookkeeper in the Russian Embassy before joining Westinghouse at East Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania in 1920. Westinghouse At Westinghouse, he worked on a number of projects from gunnery controls to electronically controlled missiles and automobiles, but his most important were the kinescope picture tube (the cathode-ray tube) in 1923 and then the iconoscope camera tube, a tube for television transmission used in the first cameras in 1924. Zworykin was one of the first to demonstrate a television system with all the features of modern picture tubes. He became a U.S. citizen in 1924, and in 1926 he obtained a PhD from the University of Pittsburgh with a dissertation on a method of greatly improving the sensitization of photocells. On November 18, 1929, at a convention of radio engineers, Zworykin demonstrated a television receiver containing his kinescope and obtained his first patent associated with color television. Radio Corporation of America In 1929, Zworykin was transferred by Westinghouse to work for the Radio Corporation of America (RCA) in Camden, New Jersey, as the new director of the Electronic Research Laboratory and at the invitation of RCAs president, David Sarnoff, a fellow Russian emigre. RCA owned most of Westinghouse at that time and had just bought the C.F. Jenkins Television Company, makers of mechanical television systems, in order to receive their patents. Zworykin made improvements to his iconoscope, and RCA funded his research to the tune of $150,000. The further improvements allegedly used an imaging section which was similar to Philo Farnsworths patented dissector. Patent litigation forced RCA to start paying Farnsworth royalties. 1930s and 1940s By the mid-1930s, Zworykin worked on his own projects and provided leadership for an extensive number of young scientists. He became intrigued by early work on the electron microscope, and he set up a lab and hired Canadian James Hillier, who had built a prototype as a graduate student, to develop one for RCA. During World War II, Zworykin had input into airborne television that was used to guide radio-controlled torpedoes and a device that helped blind people read. His laboratories were tapped to work on stored-program technology for the early computers, and he explored- but didnt have much success with- self-driven cars. In 1947, Sarnoff promoted Zworykin to vice president and technical consultant to the RCA laboratories. Death and Legacy In 1951, Zworykins wife Tatania Vasilieff, from whom he had been separated for better than a decade, divorced him, and he married long-time friend Katherine Polevitsky. He was forced to retire at 65 from RCA in 1954 but continued supporting and developing research, serving as director of the Medical Electronics Center at the Rockefeller Institute in New York. In his lifetime, Zworykin authored more than 100 technical papers, wrote five books, and received 29 awards. Among them was the National Medal of Science- the highest scientific honor in the United States- which President Lyndon Johnson presented to Zworykin in 1966 â€Å"for major contributions to the instruments of science, engineering, and television, and for his stimulation of the applications of engineering to medicine.†In retirement, he was a founder and the first president of the International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering; he was inducted into the National Inventors Hall of Fame in 1977. Vladimir Zworykin died on July 29, 1982, one day shy of his 93rd birthday, at the Princeton (New Jersey) Medical Center. Sources Abramson, Albert. Vladimir Zworykin, Pioneer of Television. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1995.Froehlich, Fritz E. and Allen Kent. Vladimir Kosma Zworykin. The Froehlich/Kent Encyclopedia of Telecommunications (Volume 18), p 259–266. New York: Marcel Dekker, Inc., 1990.Magill, Frank N. (ed.). Vladimir Zworykin. The 20th Century O–Z (Volume IX) Dictionary of World Biography. London: Routledge, 1999.Thomas, Robert McG. Jr. Vladimir Zworykin, Television Pioneer, Dies at 92. The New York Times, August 1, 1982.Rajchman, Jan. Vladimir Kosma Zworykin, July 30, 1889- July 29, 1982. National Academy of Sciences Biographical Memoirs 88:369–398 (2006).
Monday, February 17, 2020
MANAGING IN A MIXED ECONOMY Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
MANAGING IN A MIXED ECONOMY - Essay Example In today’s mixed economy, governments belonging to diverse nations have been dealing with private organisations through PPP as it provides three major facilities. First, PPP is quite efficient in assisting government to react with increasing demand of infrastructure based services. The second facility is that PPP assists government to exploit the public resources that would be utilised for making infrastructure development, hence shifting the liability of capital outlay to the private segment. PPP permits government to allocate resources for other admirable improvement related expenditures. And the third facility is that PPP supports government in terms of effective supply of services. The corporate pattern of private segment provides improved effectiveness and also offers higher returns on investment in comparison to government possession. The root of so called PPP is considered to be originated from the United States and the United Kingdom correspondingly. Denationalisation of public services and deregulation are few key aspects which has characterised the new era of management reorganisation and restructure of governmental activities (Bovaird & Loffler, 2009). With respect to PPP, the UK is considered as the leader. UK has first presented large scale PPPs in the economy. From the years 1987 to 2004, the government of the UK has contracted about 677 PPPs that valued nearly about  £43 billion. ?43 billion. The amount of PPPs in the UK has increased considerably from the year 2000 due to increased pressure from the citizens to provide as well as to develop essential infrastructures for them (McQuaid & Scherrer, 2008). PPP is the tag for standard modification in public management which is applied mainly for innovative improvements. PPP has its derivation from established business administration concept which is overwhe lming the incompetent distribution of resources in public authorities and delivery of public services. Public establishments are found to suffer from several economic disasters because of inherent faults in functional and operational management. PPP therefore attempts to gain substantial profit from the improvement of public segments by a greater level (Richards & Smith, 2002). It has been apparently observed that the governments belonging to dissimilar nations established PPP in order to encourage privatisation and support private entrepreneurs. However, it is worth mentioning that PPP is basically regarded as a set of institutional association between government and several actors of private segment. PPP is viewed to be neither an improvement strategy nor an unattached collaboration between different representatives; rather it is continuing set of dealings to accomplish certain predetermined objectives (McCartney & Stittle, 2008). The government of the UK believes PPP as a variety of business structures and partnership arrangements. The government of the UK has developed three major types of PPP which are proprietorship, endowment of services and sales of public services. Furthermore, PPP has corresponding role in allowing organisations to provide mutual basis between public and private segment in order to encou
Monday, February 3, 2020
Teen Gang Violence Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Teen Gang Violence - Essay Example After months of this daily grind in a hot, inhospitable place, the Grants head back to Princeton to interpret the data." (12-14). Weiner describes Endler's work: "What the Grants are to Darwin's finches, Endler is to guppies. His guppies live in northeastern South America, in the small streams that zigzag down the mountains of Venezuela, Margarita Island, Trinidad, and Tobago, flashing through steep, undisturbed green forests and then the broad spreads of the old cacao and coffee plantations, on their way to the Caribbean Sea and the Atlantic".(12) Weiner discusses the guppies: "When Endler analyzed his guppy surveys, he discovered a pattern. The spots on each guppy look chaotic, but the spots of all the populations of guppies in a stream, taken together, from the headwaters down to the base, have a kind of order. The spots on each population of guppies bear a simple relationship to the number of guppy eaters in their part of the stream. The more numerous the guppies' enemies were, the smaller and fainter the guppies' spots. The fewer their enemies, the larger and brighter their spots were" (13). As Endler shows, environments influences characteristics, the same can be seen in human environments. The guppies are basically shaped by their environment. The environment has a strong impact on the youth and guppies. The prevalence of youth gangs in a place will most likely increase the number of youth who are involved in gang activities. Similarly, the presence of guppies in a place gives way to a community of guppies that are present there.In the United States alone, almost 5,000 communities report having juvenile gangs (Moore and Terrett, 6). These communities have a total of 31,000 juvenile gangs with a membership of around 850,000 young people. These numbers shows that juvenile gangs are present on local communities throughout the United States (Moore and Terrett, 6). Similarly, guppies tend to stay together in a particular stream. Endler studied the streams which are natural laboratories for the study of natural selection of guppies. Weiner writes further "Endler developed s tandardized methods of identifying the guppies and measuring guppy spots. His method of study is as careful Grants' methods with Darwin's finches. He learned to anesthetize and photograph each guppy he caught. Then from the photographs he recorded the color and position of each spot of every male guppy, dividing each guppy into dozens of sectors to make a standardized guppy map that is easy to read, to tally, and to enter into a computer." (14-15). There are factors that affect the presence of gangs and guppies. In the case of guppies, Weiner cites that "Endler found guppies and at least a few of their enemies in almost every section of almost every stream, from the headwaters near the summit of each mountain to the plains and plantations below. Neither the guppies nor the guppy eaters can swim up a waterfall, nor the population of each section of stream tend to stay put" (16).There are predisposing factors for youth gangs. "Poverty and marginalization" are major factors that signal the presence of youth gangs in a community (Duffy and Gilig, 25). Duffy and Gilig explain that marginalization is a term that refers to the state of
Sunday, January 26, 2020
The management of wound dressings whilst on placement
The management of wound dressings whilst on placement This reflective piece will look at the management of wound dressings whilst on placement in the community. I will use the Gibbs model of reflection this will allow me to describe the event, explore my thoughts and feelings, make an evaluation on the event and then analysis different components which can be explored separately including different dressings and why they are used, finally I will conclude and action plan looking at if this happened again what I would do differently. Whilst on placement in the community I visited a lady who had chronic leg ulcers on both legs and the district nursing team had been visiting this lady for a number of years. The lady had oedematous legs and poor mobility and sat in a recliner chair although the chair was never reclined. I had visited the lady previously on a number of occasions and had applied her dressings and documented what I had done and the dressings used in her district nursing records. On this occasion the lady requested that I didnt put the K-lite dressing on and allows the other nurse do this, as previously when I had dressed her legs she stated the dressing had become loose. I mapped the dressing so that the notes had an up to date record of the size of the wounds and washed and redressed the legs as per the plan of care. The plan of care stated to wash the legs apply aqualcel ag silver this is used for wounds that have a high level of exudates, then atruman was applied covered by mesorb, comfifast yellow then K-soft and then I passed over to the Registered Nurse (RN) to apply the final layer, whilst she applied the final layer I documented the notes that the leg had been mapped, washed and redressed as per the plan and noted that strikethrough was on the dressing prior to removal I also noted the patients level of pain at the time of the cleaning and mapping of the wounds and also after the legs had been redressed. I documented the patients records that the patient had been advised to elevate the legs when resting to aid healing. When the patient advised me that she would prefer the RN to do the top layer I felt like my confidence had been knocked. The patient had never said this before and always stated not to wrap the dressings too tight as she found it very uncomfortable. I told her that I didnt do them too tight as she always stated not to do so and apologised to her that they had fell down and in future would ensure that they werent too tight but would not fall down either. When I left the patients house with the RN she told me that this lady does this to all the new nurses that visit her and not to worry about it. Pressure sores and leg ulcers are classed as chronic wounds and are defined as slow healing wounds with the likely hood of reoccurrence and the pain that a patient feels may be severe and ongoing (Dealey 1999). The dressing plays a major part in the reduction of pain and by choosing the wrong dressing this can cause discomfort when removing the dressing and the nurse needs to avoid this by using careful assessment prior to administering the dressing (Dealey 1999). For a wound to heal the key is to have successful wound management, the nurse should use a wound assessment tool this will ensure that there is valid reliable and also consistent information documented. Wounds need to be regularly reassessed to ensure that evaluation is given on the treatment that the patient has received. When making a wound assessment this should include the location of the wound, the cause, etiology, tissue type the size and the exudates and finally the level of pain the patient is experiencing (Prescribing Nurse Bulletin). To achieve optimum healing the role of the nurse is to be able to select the most appropriate dressing for the wound, this is to be based on the most up to date evidence, and recent development of new dressings makes this a challenge for the nurse (Lansdown 2004). The wound should be assessed for slough and necrosis, signs and symptoms of infection and wound malodour. The patients records need to be documented to state if the wound is healing, e.g. granulisation and epithelisation (White 2005). The ideal wound dressing that will meet the treatment objective and promote the wound from further injury would be a moist wound healing dressing, that manages excess exudates and prevents the wound from maceration and further wound breakdown, ensure that it prevents the exit and entry of organisms, it will cause minimal trauma at the time of removal and is cost effective (Northern Health and Social Services Board NHSSB 2005). One important factor in wound dressings is to ensure that dressings get the maximum exposure to the wound bed. This can be achieved by a dressing that decreases the voids and spaces where bacteria can thrive (Jones etal 2005). Aquacel Ag dressings contain Hydro fibre Technology and it gels on contact with the exudates and micro-contours to the wound bed this helps to eliminate voids or spaces where bacteria and fluid can collect it maximising exposure of the wound to antimicrobials. It is presented as a soft sterile, non-woven pad and is impregnated with ionic silver (Aquacel Ag 2006). This dressing can absorb a large amount of fluid and helps to prevent exudates leakage onto the periwound skin. The dressing can be left in place for up to 7 days however should strikethrough be evident on the dressing then the dressing needs to be changed (NHSSB 2005). It has been recognised that silver is an effective antimicrobial agent (Thomas and McCubbin 2003). It has proved that it is effective against methicillin and vancomysin-resistant strains of bacteria (Lansdown 2002) Atrauman dressings are made of a fine mesh of hydrophobic, polyester fibres and have mesh pores with a smooth surface this effectively counteracts adhesion to the wound by preventing new tissue from penetrating the dressing and allowing the exudates to pass through, this means that the dressing is easy to remove and causes minimum discomfort to the patient and also to the wound. The dressing is highly permeable to air and water vapour and has been found to be very well suited to the management of infected wounds (Hartmann 2010). In recent years Honey has been found to benefit wound healing, clinically topical honey treatment has been found to possess antimicrobial properties, promote autolytic debridement, deodorise wounds and stimulate the growth of wound tissues to quicken healing, it also stimulates anti-inflammatory activity helping to reduce pain, oedema and exudates (White 2005). A fast rate of healing has been reported in wounds treated with honey (Ahmed 2003) it helps the developing of a clean granulating wound bed (Stephen-Hayes 2004) It is clear that wound management is a complex area and the it is the nurses responsibility to ensure that they give the correct care to the patient and they use the dressings that are selected on their knowledge and understanding of what the dressing will achieve they need to be constantly aware of new products available to treat the wounds. By regular assessment of the wound they will be able to see if the dressing selected is helping to promote wound healing. I am aware that if I wish to work in the community I would need a good knowledge of dressing that is used in wound management. I know that I am likely to meet patients who try to make me doubt my ability however this is something that I know I will over come as my confidence builds and I become more used to working in the community.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Historical Perspectives on Curriculum Development Essay
The development of curriculum in history is basically founded on five outstanding motives: : The development of curriculum in history is basically founded on five outstanding motives: The religious The political The utilitarian The mass education motive The traditional versus modern dimension of the curriculum : Traditional Schools : Traditional Schools Traditional Schools defined curriculum as a group of subjects arranged in a certain sequences peculiar to the subject filed for the purpose of instruction. Unique needs and interests have been placed second to the â€Å"common needs of all†Modern Dimension of Curriculum : Modern Dimension of Curriculum Modern Dimension of curriculum consists of all experiences for learning which are planned and organized by the school. It is composed of the actual experiences and activities of learners inside or outside the classroom under the guidance of the teacher and or which the school accepts responsibility. Definitions of Curriculum : Definitions of Curriculum Some authors define curriculum as â€Å"the total effort of the school to bring about desired out-comes in school and out-of school situations†or â€Å"a sequence of potential experiences set up in school for the purpose of disciplining children and youth in group ways of thinking and acting†. Curriculum Planning : Curriculum Planning Curriculum plan is the advance arrangement of learning opportunities for a particular population of learners. Curriculum guide is a written curriculum Curriculum planning is the process whereby the arrangement of curriculum plans or learning opportunities are created. Curriculum Planning : Curriculum Planning Curriculum planning It is the process of preparing for the duties of teaching, deciding upon goals and emphases, determining curriculum content, selecting learning resources and classroom procedures, evaluating progress, and looking toward steps. Curriculum Development : Curriculum Development It is defined as the process of selecting, organizing, executing, and evaluating learning experiences on the basis of the needs, abilities, and interests of learners and nature of the society or community. Curriculum Laboratory : Curriculum Laboratory Curriculum Laboratory is a place or workshop where curriculum materials are gathered or used by teachers or learners of curriculum. Curriculum Laboratory : Curriculum Laboratory Resource Unit is a collection or suggested learning activities and materials organized around a given topic or area which a teacher might utilized in planning, developing, and evaluating a learning unit. Curriculum Laboratory : Curriculum Laboratory Parts of Resource Unit Introduction or short explanation of the importance of the topic; Objective or anticipated outcomes; Content of the unit: Unit activities; Evaluation; and Bibliography Course of the study : Course of the study It is an official guide prepared for use by the administrators, supervisors, and teachers of a particular school system as an aid to teaching a given subject or areas of study for a given level or grade, combinations of grades or other designated class or group of learners. Course of the study : Course of the study It is usually includes the following: Aims of the course; the expected outcomes; the scope and nature of materials to be studied; Suitable instructional aids; Course of the study : Course of the study Textbooks; Supplementary activities; Teaching methods; and Techniques of evaluation of achievements. Two schools of thought predominated throughout the history of curriculum development; : Two schools of thought predominated throughout the history of curriculum development; The essentialist school The progressive school The essentialist school : The essentialist school It considers the curriculum as something rigid consisting of discipline subjects. It considers all learners as much as the same and it aims to fit the learner into the existing social order and thereby maintain the status quo., Its major motivation is discipline and considers freedom as an outcome and not means of education. The essentialist school : The essentialist school Its approach is authoritative and the teacher’s role is to assign lessons and recite recitations. It is book-centered and the methods recommended are memory work, mastery of facts and skills, and development of abstract intelligence. It has no interest in social action and life activities. Its measurement of outcomes is standard tests based on subject matter mastery The progressive school : The progressive school It conceives of the curriculum as something flexible based on areas of interest. It is learner-centered, having in mind that no two persons are alike. Its factor of motivation is individual achievement believing that persons are naturally good. The role of the teacher is to stimulate direct learning process. The progressive school : The progressive school It uses a life experience approach to fit the student for future social action. Constant revision of aims and experimental techniques of learning and teaching are imperative in curriculum development in order to create independent thinking, initiative, self-reliance, individuality, self-expression and activity in the learner. Its measurements outcome is now devices taking into consideration subject matter and personality values. Slide 21: Curriculum Development in the Philippines The Pre-Spanish Curriculum : The Pre-Spanish Curriculum The Filipinos possessed a culture of their own. They had contacts with other foreign peoples from Arabia, India, China, Indo-China and Borneo. The Pre-Spanish Curriculum : The Pre-Spanish Curriculum â€Å"The inhabitants were a civilized people, possessing their systems of writing, laws and moral standards in a well-organized system of government. As shown in the rule of the barangay, their code of laws-the Code of Kalantiao and Maragtas-their belief in the Bathala, and the solidarity of the family were obedience and respect had been practiced. The Spanish-devised Curriculum : The Spanish-devised Curriculum The Spanish missionaries aim to control of the Filipinos, body and soul. The curriculum then consisted of the three R’s- reading, writing and religion to attain goals were the acceptance of Catholicism and the acceptance of Spanish rule. The schools were parochial or convent schools. The main reading materials were the cartilla, the caton and the catecismo. The method of instructions was mainly individual memorization. The Curriculum During the Commonwealth : The Curriculum During the Commonwealth The period of the Commonwealth (1935-1946) may be considered as the period of expansion and reform in the Philippine curriculum. The educational leaders expanded the curriculum by introducing course in farming, domestic science, etc. Commonwealth Act 586, also known as Educational Act of 1940, reorganized the elementary school system. This measured ushered the beginning of the decline of the efficiency of elementary education The Japanese-devised Curriculum : The Japanese-devised Curriculum They devised the curriculum for the Filipino to suit their vested interest. They introduced many changes in the curriculum by including Nippongo and abolishing English as a medium of instruction and as a subject. All textbooks were censored and revised. It causes a blackout in Philippines education and impeded the educational progress of the Filipinos The Liberation Period : The Liberation Period In 1945, during the liberation period, steps were taken to improve the curriculum existing before the war. Some steps taken were to restore Grade VII, to abolish the double-single session and most especially, to adopt the modern trends in education taken from the United States. The school curriculum remained basically the same as before and was still subject-centered. The Curriculum During the Philippine Republic : The Curriculum During the Philippine Republic Great experiments in the community school idea and the use vernacular in the first two grades of the primary schools as the medium of instruction were some of them. An experiment worth mentioning that led to a change in the Philippine educational philosophy was that of school and community collaboration pioneered by Jose V. Aguilar. The Curriculum During the Philippine Republic : The Curriculum During the Philippine Republic It is a source of gratification also to note that our schools are increasingly using instructional materials that are Philippine-oriented. This policy been formulated by our educational leaders, the most recent example of which being Department Memorandum No. 30, 1966. The Curriculum During the Philippine Republic : The Curriculum During the Philippine Republic This particular memorandum sets the order of priority in the purchase of books for use in our schools as follows: a. Books which are contributions to Philippine Literature. b. Books on character education and other library materials. c. Library equipment and permanent features. Community in The New Society : Community in The New Society â€Å"To guarantee that the educational system would be relevant and responsive to the challenges and requirements of national, provincial and local development.†President Ferdinand Marcos pursuant to Proclamation No. 1081 issued last Sept. 29, 1972, Decree No. 6 known as the Educational Development Decree of 1972, to take effect immediately. Community in The New Society : Community in The New Society To advance its objectives, the Educational Development Decree has formulated a ten-year program based on a number of principle, among them: improvement of curricular programs and quality of instruction at all levels by upgrading physical facilities; adopting cost-saving instructional technology and training and retaining of teachers and administrators; upgrading of academic standards through accreditation schemes, admissions testing and guidance counseling; and democratization of access to education by financial assistance to poor but deserving students, skills training programs for out of school youth and a continuing educational program for illiterate adults. Community in The New Society : Community in The New Society The emphasis of the New Society is on moral values, relevance, proper methods of teaching, retraining of teachers, vocational and technical education, bilingualism, national consciousness and cultural values. Community in The New Society : Community in The New Society The curricular redirection of the New Society: 1. Should be redirected on development of moral virtues 2. As a means of integrating education and life 3. Should reflect the urgent need and problems facing the country today 4. Should be viewed in terms of learning to be acquired 5. All teaching shall seek to develop comprehensive under- standing of all subjects 6. Co-curricular youth programs shall be restructured and enriched 7. Non-formal education shall be recognized
Thursday, January 9, 2020
The Benefits of Topics for Evaluation Essay
The Benefits of Topics for Evaluation Essay Once more, in the event the criteria, judgments and evidence are clear, the general thesis ought to be too. Your orders will be carried out exactly as you desire. Quite simply, it supplies a well-reasoned evaluation. It's a fact that every evaluation will involve the inclusion of some type of opinion, as a way to be accomplished correctly, the evaluation should not read as though it's opinionated. The 5-Minute Rule for Topics for Evaluation Essay Another benefit of our website is the quickness. When choosing a topic for an evaluation essay, it's important to concentrate on a particular company, service, product or policy. As a result of this, as you conclude your essay, you can feel reservations about the content which you have produced. The evaluation essay is intended to demonstrate the total quality of a specific object, service, product, and place. There's, clearly, a limit on the variety of pages even our finest writers can produce with a pressing deadline, but usually, we figure out how to satisfy all the clients seeking urgent assistance. While evaluation essays are simple enough to write, as you're simply required to evaluate a product, service, entity, event or something different, there's one important trap to be on the lookout for creating your piece overly opinionated. An evaluation paper is utilized to assess the quality of an item, company, program or place. Anyway, you'll certainly like our price policy. The Characteristics of Topics for Evaluation Essay If topics for evaluation essay are unavailable, then the writer is totally free to choose any topic of their own interest. At times you might require some expert help with argumentative essay topics. Inside my experience, descriptive essays are only difficult in regards to deciding just what things to write about. Like other forms of essays, the evaluation e ssay demands an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. To purchase essay online, you simply will need to fill in the application form and you'll get superior work on the desired topic. The whole article ought to be expressed in a fashion that is both structured and smooth. Our website is just one of the most appropriate for essay help. You can rely on the very best essay help online. Think about the academic discipline that you have to compose the essay for in the very first location. If you're studying in the health care field, you might have to to compose many essays. Unless your professor gave you specific instructions about what you should write about, you're absolutely free to select whatever topic you want! The actual men and women highly praise our essay help site. If you are searching for top essay writing companies, try out the mentioned above. When you get your completed essay, be certain to tell all your friends what an excellent service it is and what's the perfect place to acquire cheap essays. There are lots of essay writing services that think they're the very best, and therefore don't be cheated and check the legitimate list of the very best. Whether it's necessary to make a paper of one-of-a-kind flawlessness, just purchase an essay here and our writers will provide help. In fact, a seasoned writer can do the job much faster than any student as they've been writing academic assignments during their entire life. As our group of writers is quite big, we always have free writers keen to bring a manageable and well-paid purchase. The same is applicable to top essay writers. When you compose an evaluation essay you might have to evaluate every property of the subject including its advantages and disadvantages. Try to learn several controversial problems, dependent on what you've read in your sources. Each problem is current and extremely pertinent to society. On the flip side, some issues can be depending on an organization-based bit of used research, though some could be inside the material of a study program or system. Take a look at our top absolutely free essays on accident you've witnessed to assist you write your own essay. Actually, prior to making an order you are able to secure a price quote on your essay. If you are fighting to develop an innovative subject, then you may use one of our suggestions. Pick a topic and generate a true academic masterpiece.
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